Posts tagged 2016
Life Lessons

He was lucid but the expression on his face was thick with blankness. Or maybe it could've been a deep, trifling concentration, a rare investment, If one was to capture it in a photograph of language, it would translate such: eyes slightly narrowed, brows furrowed, the line between them deep and important.

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Def: Sleepwalking is characterised by a series of complex events, walking being the most common among them.

I discovered I was a sleepwalker when I was six years old. I stumbled to the kitchen and started scrubbing the table frantically. I imagine I felt guilty for never cleaning up the strawberry milk I would perpetually spill during my waking hours

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Stress is paralysing, contorted notion I cannot begin to understand. As my childhood and preadolescent years fade, this immense throbbing web of electricity quivers in my chest, always awake, humming it's far-from-pleasant tune.

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