Indonesian Chronicles - Day 7, 19/8/2018 - Impressions, Facts & Stories

Our next place is a diving resort. Or rather, an eco-resort. We sleep under a white mosquito net, which flaps gently in the wind. The bedroom is open under a thatched roof, the rudimentary bathroom is outdoors, a slim shower in the middle of exuberant vegetation which T. and A. find exciting. The resort is called Bloo Lagoon and the staff wear T-shirts with ‘Bloo is the new Green’. I concede to L that ‘Eco’ next to resort is often a marketing gimmick, which prime objective is to save on laundry costs. But this place has pushed the ‘Eco’ a bit further, with early Yoga classes, a garden where they grow organic vegetables and herbs and part of a community of eco-conscious businesses[1]. Next to our house with a little pond home to a colony of singing frogs who start their concert at about 9 pm and do not stop until the local Muezzin takes over at 4.30 am. We sleep well however, until someone slips into our bed at 3 am, a long and familiar 1.86 m silhouette…It is T.; his lips have tripled size and he is worried he might have been stung by a poisonous spider. I give him a sleepy hug and send him back to bed. The next morning, his lips are back to normal and we teach him how to adjust tightly his mosquito net.

